Author: Brian Wallace

Are you an independent contractor? Do you know the tax planning? Ok, don’t worry. I’m here to guide you and help you pay the quarterly tax instead of the yearly burden. It is important to prepare and plan taxes as an independent contractor, as it will reduce the burden of big amounts. Take advantage of deductions like home office expenses, internet and phone bills used for work, and professional fees.In this guide, I will discuss the Tax refund strategies for independent contractors. Top Tax Refund Strategies As an independent contractor, your tax deduction and tax paying are different from your…

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Direct sourcing is a method that many companies big and small are using to enhance the hiring process within their companies. To date, 60% of large companies are already using or are planning to implement a direct sourcing program. Direct sourcing optimizes the talent acquisition process through the creation of a private talent community that can cater to a company’s specific needs. This takes the importance off of relying on inbound applications, and better ensures that new hires are prepared and qualified to take on available roles. Direct Sourcing Benefits Whether this talent pool is made from interns, referrals, general…

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In today’s age of technology, it is vital that brands learn how to set themselves apart from the competition. Two main ways that companies can do this is through brand consistency and hyper-personalization. These methods have been proven to drive success through the modern consumer, however, only one-third of businesses are actively using these techniques. What is Brand Consistency? Brand consistency refers to the uniformity of how brands show up on each of their channels. This means that on social media, websites, advertisements, and the like, companies should aim to have a consistent image throughout each platform. This way, consumers…

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